Oli-Wam Vietnam Electric Vibrator MVE 2000/3 2KW - 3000 rpm - 230/400 V - 3 phase - 2 poles
(2.2kW, 2900v/p, 3phase 380_ MVE2000/3 2KW)
Oli-Wam Vietnam Electric Vibrator MVE 2300/3 2.4KW - 3000 rpm - 230/400 V - 3 phase - 2 poles
(2.2kW, 2900v/p, 3phase 380_  MVE2300/3 2.4KW)
  * clearly confirmed before order!
Eupec Vietnam 1TT250N-LRCT,EUPEC – 7356
clearly confirm on of 3:
W1C 230 - 430F - KM14-1TT250N-LRCT
W1C 400 - 430F - KM14-1TT250N-LRCT
W1C 500 - 430F - KM14-1TT250N-LRCT
IXYS Vietnam Thyristor set
Type: IXYS (Germany)
Urms: 600 V AC
Irms: 250 A
Tamb: 55°C
Lager-Nr. 490 589  (490589)

*** compatible with MCC255-16I01
Rico-Werk Vietnam Analog signal divider with isolated test amplifier
stock no. 591 305  (591305)
approx. 140x160x80 mm/pce
weight: approx. 0,5kg/pce
Rico-Werk Vietnam Digital I/O board
stock no. 591 297-2   (591297-2)
approx. 300x140x50 mm/pce
weight: approx. 0,5kg/pce
(Typ: 591 297)
Rico-Werk Vietnam Analog input board
stock no. 591 298   (591298)
approx. 160x140x140 mm/pce
weight: approx. 0,5kg/pce
Rico-Werk Vietnam Automatic voltage regulator (successory model, 100% compatible)
Type Prometos/X-DP
stock no. 591 605    (591605)
approx. 320x260x200 mm
weight: approx. 8kg
Note: Please inform us about our original order confirmation number (50.xxxxx) which will be necessary for setting of the parameters of the HV-regulator
(Promesos – DP;Part.no: 591 601)
  ** clearly confirm befroe order!
Yamatake Vietnam Code: C15TR0TA0000
Yamatake Vietnam Replaced by: C15TR0MTA0000
Yamatake Vietnam Control Valve VY5138N0081 
Oriental Vietnam SS301N 
Controller only.
Oriental Vietnam AXHM450K-GFH
ABB Vietnam Correct: Oxygen Sensor with connector, complete
P/N: 746893
A-No.024 0048 413/0120
F-No: 3.344045.8
NessKomponente/Sample component
Note: Clearly confirm before order
Eliwell Vietnam Replaced by: IC 902 230 V W/P
Micro Detectors Vietnam Photocell curtain Emitter BX80A/1P-1A
Micro Detectors Vietnam Photocell curtain Emitter BX80S/10-1A
Micro Detectors Vietnam Photocell curtain Emitter BX80A/1P-1A
Micro Detectors Vietnam Photocell curtain Emitter BX80S/10-1A
Micro Detectors Vietnam M18 shielded NO/PNP
Micro Detectors Vietnam Proximity Switch  AK1/AP-1B86
GE Vietnam 077M2T2TX44
corrected 077M2T2TX4
Riello Vietnam MST 40–A0
UPS công suất: 40KVA/36KW thuộc
dòng sản phẩm Multi Sentry MST40
Công nghệ: Online double conversion
Điện áp vào: 3 pha 380/400/415VAC + N
Tần số ngõ vào: 50/60 Hz
Phạm vi tần số vào: 40 ~ 72Hz
Hệ số công suất tại đầy tải: 0.99
Điện áp ra: 380/400/415VAC (có thể lựa
chọn), 3 pha +N (có thể lựa chọn)
Dạng sóng ngõ ra: Sinwave
Tần số ngõ ra: 50/60 Hz (có thể lựa chọn)
Khả năng quá tải: 115% unlimited, 125%
for 10 minutes, 150% for 1 minute, 168%
for 5 seconds
Méo hài ngõ ra: ≤ 1% tải tuyến tính, ≤ 3%
tải phi tuyến.
Khả năng đấu nối song song 6 UPS để mở rộng công suất tối đa đến 240kVA/
Thời gian lưu điện: 30 phút. Mỗi hệ thống lưu
điện 30 phút bao gồm 01 UPS 40KVA và 01
tủ accu kèm theo
(Riello Multi Sentry MST 40)
SUNTEX Vietnam Conductivity Monitor
MODEL : EC-430
Smar Vietnam Smart Gauge Pressure Transmitter
Model: LD291-M41I-11-02/H0/P0/I1/J1
LD291 - Product: Smart Gauge Pressure Transmitter
M - Sensor type: Gauge
4 - Range (LRL-URL, MS): -100 to 2500, 62.5 kPa
1 - Diaphragm material, Fill-fluid: SS 316L, Silicone Oil
I - Process connection material: Stainless steel 316
1 - Local indicator: Yes
1 - Process Connection: 1/2-14 NPT
0 - Electrical connection: 1/2-14 in NPT
2 - Mounting Bracket: Stainless steel
H0 - Housing: Aluminium
P0 - Painting: Gray Munsell N6.5
I1 - Identification Plate: FM - Factory Mutual
J1 - Tag Plate: Blank
(Smar LD291 pressure Transmitter
Model: M4
Series no. L400716)